Certificate of European Specialist in Pediatric Allergology

Application of specialists for the Certification as European Specialist in Paediatric Allergology

This certification is conducted by the European Training Committee – Paediatric Allergology (ETC-PA), a working group of the Paediatric Section of EAACI.

The conditions for certification may be found here:

European certification in Pediatric Allergology

European certification in Pediatric Allergology for non-Pediatricians

European certification in Pediatric Allergology for non-Europeans

Those wishing to apply for the Certification as European Specialist in Paediatric Allergology please find all necessary documents below.

Application in e-format

  • - Application form (scanned and with signature)
  • - Short curriculum vitae in English (in word or pdf format) describing training and clinical activity in Paediatric Allergology, and including a list of publications
  • - National certificate of specialty in Paediatrics (scanned)
  • - Possible National certificate in Paediatric Allergology (scanned) (if this speciality or sub-speciality exists)
  • - Possible National certificate in Allergology (scanned)(when applicable)
  • - Certificate of Paediatric EAACI Exam (scanned)


- PhD Certificate, Certificate as Assistant or full Professor of Paediatrics /Paediatric Allergology, etc)(scanned)
- Certification by the tutor that the candidate has fulfilled the criteria set up in theEuropean training program on Paediatric Allergology approved by ETC-PA and the UEMS Section of Paediatrics (scanned). Please find the training log book here.
- In case you belong to those with a long and well documented experience and documented scientific production, a more detailed curriculum vitae, including a list of publications (scanned)

If the documents and certificates are not originally in English, they should be accompanied by an English translation certified by the national delegate endorsing the candidate

Although this certification may enrich the individual Curriculum Vitae of the candidates as a prestigious quality label, it is simply a recognition of merit by a scientific society and does not per se confer any official title or license to practise as a Paediatric Allergologist in any European country.

It is also a prerequisite for European Accreditation of Training Centres, since teachers must be certified specialists themselves.

The application in e-format is sent to the national representative to ETC-PA who should endorse it and forward it to the Chairman and Secretary of ETC-PA for final evaluation and approval by the Jury

List of National representatives

Armenia: Astghik Baghdasaryan astghikbag@yahoo.com

Austria: Zsolt Szépfalusi  zsolt.szepfalusi@akh-wien.ac.at

Bulgaria: Polina Shahid  poli.mu@gmail.com

Cyprus: Nicos Nicolaos  nicolas@allergycy.comnic.nicolaou@gmail.com

Denmark: Arne Høst  Arne.Hoest@rsyd.dk

Estonia: Kaja Julge  kaja.julge@kliinikum.ee

Finland: Mika Mäkelä  Mika.makela@hus.fi

France: Jean Luc Fauquert  jlfauquert@chu-clermontferrand.fr

Germany: Jürgen  Seidenberg  seidenberg.juergen@klinikum-oldenburg.de

Greece: Kostas Priftis kpriftis@otenet.gr   Sofia Tsabouri  stsabouri@gmail.com

Hungary: Lajos Réthy rethylajos@ogyei.hu

Ireland: Jonathan Hourihane  J.Hourihane@ucc.ie

Italy: Antonella Muraro muraro@pediatria.unipd.it

Lithuania: Jolanta Kudsyté jolantakudzyte@yahoo.com Regina Emuzyte  emuzyte@yahoo.com

Poland: Anna Breborowicz abreborowicz@wp.pl

Portugal: José Lopes dos Santos paediatricallergy@gmail.com

Russia: Daniel Munblit daniel.munblit08@imperial.ac.uk

Serbia: Marina Atanaskovich Markovich marinaa@EUnet.rs

Slovenia: Vesna Glavnik  vesna.vodusek@siol.net

Spain: Montserrat Alvaro malvaro@hsjdbcn.org  Angel Mazon amazon@comv.es

Sweden: Sten Dreborg (waiting to be replaced) Sten.dreborg@telia.com

Switzerland: Philippe Eigenmann Philippe.Eigenmann@hcuge.ch

Turkey: Pınar Uysal   druysal.pinar@gmail.com Cansın Sackesen cansinsackesen@gmail.com

United Kingdom: Susan Leech susan.leech@kcl.ac.uk

Ukraine: Vladyslava Barzylovych

For any additional questions, please contact:

Chairman of ETC-PA, Arne Høst, Odense: arne.hoest@ouh.regionsyddanmark.dk
Secretary of ETC-PA, José Lopes dos Santos, Porto: paediatricallergy@gmail.com